Embodiment through tender flesh work.

As a BDSM practitioner and sex worker for the last 10 years, I have come to learn that creating scenes for folk to revisit, reclaim and rediscover their bodies through kink shouldn’t be limited to the dungeon. The specific kind of healing that comes with working through pain practices in a ritualistic way can make tender the raw parts of ourselves. We can re-enter the body with kindness, curiosity, play and strength. We can walk away from an experience we chose to participate in with a sense of purification and newness. This is what led to my own healing journey- by inviting this work with the body into art practices, by removing the focal point of impact on the body, and instead portraying the divinity of release. As a trained sharps specialist, I facilitate workshops and ritual experiences in needleplay and bloodletting, always through a soft, tender lens. I can teach you how to safely use equipment, to explore parts of the body and mind together through endurance, and guide you through playful ways to engage solo or with a partner. I also facilitate immersive sharp play performances, where audiences are asked to engage in communal body consent and autonomy where pain plays a part.

Photograph above by Freyja Howls